Lot: 1
Current Price: 100 TL Starting Bid: 100 TL Estimated: TL Losing Winning
Silver takatuka with monogram, exquisitely crafted pedestal three-legged big size takatuka Size: 5.5x19 cm. Weight: 238 gr.
Lot No: 1
Lot: 1
SULTAN II. ABDÜLHAMİD KHAN-Silver takatuka with monogram, exquisitely crafted pedestal three-legged big size takatuka Size: 5.5x19 cm. Weight: 238 gr.
Lot No: 2
Lot: 2
PERTEVNİYAL SULTAN-Pertevniyal Sultan (1810-1883) Mother of the Ottoman sultan Sultan Abdülaziz, Valide Sultan and II. She is Mahmud's wife. Rare and collectible silver goblet with the signature of Sultan Abdülmecid Khan, dated 1255, dedicated to Pertevniyal Sultan on the bottom, exquisitely crafted and decorated with golden veil. Size: 12.5x8.5 cm. Weight: 156 ge.
Lot No: 3
Lot: 3
SULTAN II. MAHMUD KHAN-Double envelope with monogram, silver double envelope with openwork and pen work. Weight: 69 g
Lot No: 4
Lot: 4
SULTAN ABDÜLMECİD KHAN-Double envelope with monogram, silver double envelope with pen work. Weight: 81 gr.
Lot No: 5
Lot: 5
SULTAN ABDÜLMECİD KHAN-Double envelope with monogram, silver double envelope with pen insert and gold gezil decoration. Weight: 33 gr.
Lot No: 6
Lot: 6
SULTAN ABDÜLAZİZ KHAN-Double envelope with monogram, silver double envelope with aznavur and pen work. Weight: 33 gr.
Lot No: 7
Lot: 7
SULTAN ABDÜLHAMİD KHAN-6 envelopes with monograms, 6 silver envelopes with hand-drawn Ottoman state coat of arms, sailor's anchor and monogram decoration. Weight: 174 gr.
Lot No: 8
Lot: 8
SULTAN II. MAHMUD KHAN-Double envelope with monogram, silver double envelope with openwork work. Weight: 73 gr.
Lot No: 9
Lot: 9
İHVAN KUSHYAN-Ihvan Kushyan Master stamp, 19th century. silver double cup with pen work Weight: 110 gr.
Lot No: 10
Lot: 10
SULTAN ABDÜLAZİZ KHAN-Monogrammed envelope and porcelain cup, hand-crafted silver envelope and gilded porcelain cup. Weight: 31
Lot No: 11
Lot: 11
SULTAN ABDÜLMECİD KHAN-Monogram envelope and porcelain cup, hand-drawn silver envelope and gilded hand-painted porcelain cup. Weight: 41
Lot No: 12
Lot: 12
SILVER DOUBLE ENVELOPE-Silver double envelope with Ottoman, openwork and repousse workmanship Weight: 70 gr.
Lot No: 13
Lot: 13
SULTAN ABDÜLAZİZ KHAN-Kallavi sized camchak with monogram, black stamped and flavored, handcrafted callavi sized silver camchak Size: 5x15.5 cm. Weight: 227 gr.
Lot No: 14
Lot: 14
İHVAN KUSHYAN-Ihvan Kushyan Master stamp, 19th century. silver double cup with pen work Weight: 83g.
Lot No: 15
Lot: 15
GOLD BROOCH WATCH-Enameled double dial, gold (375) stamped on the dust cover, fully pencil work and seconds display, serial number 115414, in working order, collectible gold (375) stamped brooch zenne watch in its original box. Size: 5 cm. Gross Weight: 29 gr.
Lot No: 16
Lot: 16
ENAMEL SILVER MATCH HOLDER-Collectible match holder with the depiction of the Prince in silver enamel workmanship Weight. 29g.
Lot No: 17
Lot: 17
SULTAN ABDÜLHAMİD KHAN-Double cup with monogram, double cup made of silver with exquisite workmanship Size: 8x7 cm. Weight: 121 gr.
Lot No: 18
Lot: 18
SULTAN ABDÜLAZİZ KHAN-Extremely rare collectible silver tape measure with monogram, shah stamp and flavoring Size: 6.5cm. Weight: 117 gr.
Lot No: 19
Lot: 19
TOMBAK SNUFF BOX-Ottoman, copper pen and repousse workmanship, tombak snuff box in very good condition Size: 7.5x5.5x3.5 cm.
Lot No: 20
Lot: 20
VACHERON&CONSTANTINE GOLD WATCH-The case of the watch is 14 carat gold and the original clasp is 18 carat gold, in working condition, 17 jewells with Rectangular V435 movement, wristwatch in freckled condition.
Lot No: 21
Lot: 21
PERTEVNİYAL SULTAN-Bronz üzeri kalem işçilikli Pertevniyal Sultan'ın Helvacısına ait üzeri ibareli Bronz şamdan Ebat: 20x19 cm.
Lot No: 22
Lot: 22
BOGOSYAN STAMPED SILVER TRAY-Ottoman, collectible silver tray with Nişan Karın Bogosyan stamp, full azure and pencil work, in very good condition Size: 64.5x38 cm. Weight: 2247 gr.
Lot No: 23
Lot: 23
SAVATLI GÜMÜŞ TABAKA-Minerva damgalı, av görselli full savat işçilikli gümüş tabaka Ebat: 10x6.5x3 cm. Ağırlık: 100 gr.
Lot No: 24
Lot: 24
KAHVE PUŞİDESİ-Osmanlı, komple altın tel kırma işçilikli, ay-yıldız dekorlu çift taraflı kahve puşidesi Ebat: 49 cm.
Lot No: 25
Lot: 25
ŞİFA TASI-Osmanlı, bronzdan mamül iç ve dış kısmı tamamen ayetlerle dekorlu altı mührü süleyman tasvirli farklı form ve ebatta koleksiyonluk ele geçmez nitelikte şifa tası Ebat: 5.5x20 cm.
Lot No: 26
Lot: 26
SULTAN II. MAHMUT HAN FERAŞET BERATI-1-10 Rebiülahir 1223 - 27 Mayıs-5 Haziran 1808 Seyid soyundan geldiğini idaa edip bunu ispat eden Seyid Feyzullah'tan vergi alınmaması hakında berat Ebat: 76x56 cm.
Lot No: 27
Lot: 27
MEKKE-İ MÜKERREME ŞEHADETNAME-Hicri: 1306 tarihli seyidlik şehadetnamesi Ebat: 48x33 cm.
Lot No: 28
Lot: 28
I. ABDÜLHAMİT HAN BERAT-Medine-i Münevverede Peygamber Efendimizin ravzasında dörtte bir kırat süpürücülük hizmetine sahip olan Abdullah kızı Ruşen Kadın vefat edip görevi boşta kalmıştır. Söz konusu göreve İstanbul sakinlerinden Abdullah kızı Hacı Ayşe Mutebere talip olduğundan kendisine berat verilmesini Darussade ağası olup Harameyn vakıflerı nazırı olan İdris Ağa arz etmiş olduğundan arzı gereği 19 Cemaziyelevvel 1201 (9 Mart 1787) de bu beratı verdim ve buyurdum ki;İstanbul'da sakin adı geçen Abdullah kızı Hacı Ayşe Mutebere söz konusu dörtte bir kırat süpürücülük hizmetine sahip olup lazım olan hizmetini tarafından tayin eylediği kaymakam ve naibi tazim ve edeple ve sonsuz haya ve utanma duygusuyla yerine getirsin 23 Cemaziyelevvel 1201 (13 Mart 1787).
Lot No: 29
Lot: 29
EL YAZMA KUR'AN-I KERİM-Ketebe: Hacı Mahmud Hamdi İbn-i Abdullah Karesi Hicri: 1282; Ser levhası ve Ketebe sayfası rokoko full altın tezhiplidir, hattatın yazdığı onunucu mushaftır, Halid-i Nakşibendi ibarelidir, orijinal döneminin deri cildinde koleksiyonluk bir eserdir. Ebat: 12.5x8.5 cm.
Lot No: 30
Lot: 30
ELİFBA-Dersadet Matba-i Osmaniye de Hicri: 1312 yılında basılan nadir elifba cüzü.
Lot No: 31
Lot: 31
KÜTAHYA MAŞRAPA-Osmanlı, Kütahya imalatı farklı form ve görsellikte haliyle maşrapa Ebat: 24 cm.
Lot No: 32
Lot: 32
18. YY. KÜTAHYA MATARA-Osmanlı, 18. yy. kütahya imalatı son derece nadir ve koleksiyonluk matara restorasyonludur Ebat: 17 cm.
Lot No: 33
Lot: 33
KÜTAHYA VAZO-Kütahya imalatı vazo restorasyonludur Ebat: 21 cm.
Lot No: 34
Lot: 34
18.YY. BLUEBLANC BUHURDAN-Osmanlı pazarına özel yapım, blueblanc işçilikli tombak geçme dekorlu son derece nadir haliyle buhurdan Ebat: 13.5x11.5 cm.
Lot No: 35
Lot: 35
SULTAN ABDÜLHAMİD HAN-Tuğralı gümüş, osmanlı devlet arması dekorlu ''Afiyet Olsun'' yazılı, ajur işçilikli koleksiyonluk çift ıstaka ve graveli bardakları Ebat: 8x10 cm. Ağırlık: 274 gr
Lot No: 36
Lot: 36
II. MAHMUD FERAŞET BERATI-'Medine'de Ravza-i Mutahhara'nın dörtte bir kırat feraşet hizmetine sahip olan Divan katiplerinden Selim Abdullah'ın vefatı ile görevin Divan Hocalarından Hüseyin oğlu Hacı Selim'e 4 şevval 1229 (19 Eylül 1814) de verilmesi'' ile ilgili Sultan II. Mahmut tuğralı Feraşet Beratı Ebat: 78x54 cm.
Lot No: 37
Lot: 37
8 GÜNLÜK MİNELİ SAAT-İsviçre, gümüş çerçevesi üzeri full mine işçilikli 8 günlük masa saati Ebat: 10 cm.
Lot No: 38
Lot: 38
OSMANLI HARİTA-1327 tarihli, beze marufle edilmiş büyük boy İstanbul haritası Ebat: 200x108 cm.
Lot No: 39
Lot: 39
DUA FRAGMANI-'Dua-i kadehi mübarek'' yan bordürleri altın yaldız dekorlu nadir ve koleksiyonluk fragman Ebat: 53x10 cm.
Lot No: 40
Lot: 40
El ÇEKME ELİFBA-El çekme ketebesiz elifba Ebat: 23x16 cm.
Lot No: 41
Lot: 41
OSMANLI CÜZ-Hicri: 1003 (1594) tarihli dönemine ait deri cildinde el çekme büyük cüz Ebat: 29x20 cm.
Lot No: 42
Lot: 42
DİVAL İŞİ AYET-Kadife üzeri Dival işçiliği ileİlahi ente maksudi ve rızake matlubi(Ya rabbi maksudum sensin, istediğim senin rızanı kazanmaktır.) Ebat:20x42 cm
Lot No: 43
Lot: 43
PRENS İBRAHİM HİLMİ-Mısır Kralı I. Fuad'ın kardeşi Prens İbrahim Hilmi'ye ait Hidiv Hanedan Armalı Christofle kallavi boy tepsi Ebat: 88X60 cm.
Lot No: 44
Lot: 44
ABDURRAHMAN B. MUHAMMED B. ALİ B. AHMED el-BİSTAMİ el-HURÜFİ (ö. 858/1454)-Kitabın yazarı Abdurrahman bin Muhammed Bistami Kitabın eksik kısmını tamamlayan Şeyhzade Hacı Ahmed efendidir Eksik kısmın tamamlandığı tarih 1295 dir.Kitap muhafazası ile bulunmaz nitelikte her Koleksiyonerin sahip olmayı isteyeceği bir eserdir.Ebat:Muhafaza 21x11x27 cm-Kitap:17x12 cm
Lot No: 45
Lot: 45
SULTAN GERDANLIĞI-Osmanlı Dönemi,Orijinal kutusunda,Karavana Kesim Elmas ve Yakut Taşlar ile tasarlanmış Muhteşem Sultani Gerdanlık
Lot No: 46
Lot: 46
SULTAN ABDÜLMECİD HAN-Tuğralı şekerlik, sepet formunda kazaz işçilikli kulbu üzerinde kuş figürü aplikeli gümüş şekerlik Ebat: 6x15.5 cm. Ağırlık: 205 gr.
Lot No: 47
Lot: 47
18. YY. KÜTAHYA HOKKA-Osmanlı, 18. yy. Kütahya seramik hazneli, Minerva gümüş kapaklı koleksiyonluk hokka Ebat: 11x7.5 cm. Ağırlık Brüt: 314 gr.
Lot No: 48
Lot: 48
KAVALALI MEHMET ALİ PAŞA-Kavalalı Mehmed Ali Paşa (4 Mart 1769 - 2 Ağustos 1849), Osmanlı paşası ve Mısır eyaletinin valisi, Kavalalılar Hanedanı'nın kurucusu. Kavalalı Mehmet Ali Paşa damgalı, kapak kısmı Zümrüt-ü Anka kuşu aplikeli, aznavur ve kalem işçilikli koleksiyonluk şekerlik Ebat: 13x11 cm. Ağırlık: 248 gr.
Lot No: 49
Lot: 49
SULTAN ABDÜLAZİZ HAN-Tuğralı gümüş gülabdan, konik ayaklı armudi gövdeli, farklı formda yalın işçiliklli gümüş gülabdan Ebat: 16x8.5 cm. Ağırlık: 213 gr.
Lot No: 50
Lot: 50
SARAYA ÖZEL YAPIM ISTAKA-19. yy. başı, Avusturya Viyana yapımı Osmanlı Sarayı için tasarlanmış, usta damgalı, gümüş üzeri full mine dekorlu ''Maşallah - Yadiğar'' yazılı bütün gövdesi hilal ile yıldız görselli, tutamak kısmı mükemmel mozaik işçilikli ve yine ''Maşallah'' yazılı grave lale motifleri tasvirli orijinal bardağıyla birlikte koleksiyonunuza muhakkak katmanız gereken mükemmel ıstaka Ebat: 6.5x8 cm. Ağırlık: 101 gr.
Lot No: 51
Lot: 51
84 GÜMÜŞ KALLAVİ KADEH-19. yy. Rus imalatı, usta damgalı, gümüş üzeri mükemmel mine işçilikli iç kısmı altın vermeilli harika kondisyonda koleksiyonluk kallavi boy kadeh Ebat: 13x8.5 cm. Ağırlık: 212 gr.
Lot No: 52
Lot: 52
GÜMÜŞ KAHVEDAN-19. yy. osmanlı, gümüşten mamül yalın işçilikli iyi kondisyonda kahvedan Ebat: 16 cm. Ağırlık: 294 gr.
Lot No: 53
Lot: 53
AVUSTURYA-MACARİSTAN İMPARATORLUĞU-19. yy, gümüşten mamül, İmparatorluk damgalı kahvedan Ebat: 16 cm. Ağırlık: 318 gr.
Lot No: 54
Lot: 54
GÜMÜŞ KEŞKÜL-Ü FUKARA-19. yy. ortası, osmanlı, gümüş üzeri kalem ve ajur işçilikli koleksiyonluk keşkül-ü fukara Ebat: 10.5x19x8 cm. Ağırlık: 154 gr.
Lot No: 55
Lot: 55
ÇİFT KAPAKLI SAHAN-Osmanlı pazarına özel yapım, Avusturya imalatı, el boyama ve altın yaldız işçilikli tutamak kısmı gül formunda, çok iyi kondisyonda kapaklı çift porselen sahan Ebat: 12x23 cm.
Lot No: 56
Lot: 56
VİYANA BONBONİER-Osmanlı pazarına özel yapım, Viyana soğuk damgalı, lahana formunda, altın yaldız ve el boyama işçilikli kusursuz kondisyonda porselen bonbonier Ebat: 15x16 cm.
Lot No: 57
Lot: 57
GÜMÜŞ GÜLABDAN-Osmanlı pazarına özel yapım, tutamağı at başı görselli, farklı form ve ebatta gülabdan Ebat: 15 cm. Ağırlık: 135 gr.
Lot No: 58
Lot: 58
SİLVER GULABDAN-Ottoman, round-length silver rosebud with a peacock depiction with the inscription "Owner Abdülkerim and the New Mosque" written on the bottom Size: 25 cm. Weight: 289 gr.
Lot No: 59
Lot: 59
SILVER GULABDAN-Ottoman, 19th century. silver roseabdan with repousse workmanship Size: 17.5 cm. Weight: 134 gr.
Lot No: 60
Lot: 60
SILVER CENSOR-Ottoman, 19th century. extremely rare and different form of incense burner made of silver in the form of a cabbage Size: 11.5x14 cm. Weight: 246 gr.
Lot No: 61
Lot: 61
CALLIGRATOR BOX-Ottoman, bone inlay on wood, decorated with floral motifs, large size with sliding lid, completely original collectible calligrapher's box Size: 14x34x18 cm.
Lot No: 62
Lot: 62
GUERIDON ORIENTAL TABLE-Oriental gueridon coffee table with pedestal three-legged folding table, specially made for the Ottoman market, with gold gilding and mother-of-pearl decoration on papiermache. Size: 60x68 cm.
Lot No: 63
Lot: 63
OTTOMAN CHEST COVER-Dated Hijri: 1290 - 1873, with madder garlands and floral decoration on wood, depicting Ortaköy Mosque in a medallion in the middle, collectible chest cover in good condition. Size: 49x93 cm.
Lot No: 64
Lot: 64
OTTOMAN SIGN-Ottoman period, oil painting on tin, rare sign with a man smoking a pipe and a city image Size: 93x64 cm.
Lot No: 65
Lot: 65
TEKKE WORK GLAZED BOARD-Ottoman, hijri: glass plate dated 1223 Size: 67x53 cm.
Lot No: 66
Lot: 66
SALİHA SULTAN-Repousse workmanship silver envelope with Sultan Abdülmecid signature and Saliha Sultan insignia porcelain cup are extremely rare and collectible works.
Lot No: 67
Lot: 67
MİSK-İ AMBER CENTER-Ottoman musk-i amber censer (there is a crack) is an extremely rare and collectible artifact. Size: 3.5x6 cm.
Lot No: 68
Lot: 68
BEKTAŞI KAVUK TONGS-Ottoman tongs made of iron with a handle in the form of a Bektashi coin Size: 47 cm.
Lot No: 69
Lot: 69
MUSTAFA HALİM ÖZYAZICI(1898-1964)-Cel-i tailk yazı ile ''İyilik ve Takvada yardımlaşın İnsanın selameti dilini muhafaza etmesine bağlıdır, kullarım arasına gir, cennetime gir'' yazılı, orijinal altın tezhibinde hat yazı Ebat: 27x37 cm.
Lot No: 70
Lot: 70
HULUSİ YAZGAN MINIATURE-Mixed media Hulusi Yazgan miniature on paper Size: 33.5x39 cm.
Lot No: 71
Lot: 71
DAVİD ROENTGEN-David Roentgen (born 11 August 1743 in Herrnhaag; died 12 February 1807 in Wiesbaden) was a German carpenter and furniture maker. It is the 20th century version of the magnificent Roll secretariat made by the famous German carpenter David Roentgen. It is decorated with marquetry and parquetry workmanship on wood and scenes from Far Eastern daily life; Secretariat with six legs and roll cover with bronze applique, unlike other tables Size: 138x134x64 cm.
Lot No: 72
Lot: 72
SULTAN II. MAHMUT TUGRAH-Sultan II with period illumination "Ahmet Arif" ketebe in a gold leaf frame. Mahmut Khan's signature Size Framed: 44x37 cm.
Lot No: 73
Lot: 73
MÜNİF FEHİM-Battle of Djerba mixed media painting on paper Size: 35x26 cm.
Lot No: 74
Lot: 74
TOMBAK ENVELOPE LOT-Ottoman, tombac workmanship on copper, lot of three envelopes, the larger one with a cup.
Lot No: 75
Lot: 75
GOLD PLATED SILVER ENVELOPE-Ottoman, silver-plated gold-plated envelope and porcelain cup, decorated with openwork workmanship of grape bunches.
Lot No: 76
Lot: 76
SULTAN II. MAHMUT-Silver-plated gold-plated envelope with monogram, openwork work and decorated with humika-i humayun motifs, in excellent condition, and porcelain cup with Kuznetsov stamp.
Lot No: 77
Lot: 77
TOMBAK ENAMEL ENVELOPE-Ottoman envelope with tombak, enamel and openwork work on copper in very good condition and Meissen cold stamped porcelain cup is an extremely rare and collectible work.
Lot No: 78
Lot: 78
18th century GULABDAN-18th century Collectible gulabdan with silver cladding workmanship and blue-white decoration, manufactured in Kütahya Size: 21 cm.
Lot No: 79
Lot: 79
SILVER ENVELOPE AND MEISSEN MARCOLONI CUP-Ottoman, silver on gold vermilion envelope and Meissen Marcolini porcelain cup.
Lot No: 80
Lot: 80
SILVER ENAMEL ENVELOPE AND CUP-Ottoman envelope and porcelain cup with enamel and gilding on silver decoration.
Lot No: 81
Lot: 81
GOLD VERMEILLE ENVELOPE-Ottoman, openwork and repousse workmanship on copper, gold seville decorated envelope and porcelain cup.
Lot No: 82
Lot: 82
SEVRES CUP LOT-Three collectible porcelain cups with French Sevres stamp, hand-painted and gilded decoration, specially made for the Ottoman market.
Lot No: 83
Lot: 83
SILVER ENAMEL ENVELOPE-Ottoman, pencil and openwork work, silver enamel envelope and porcelain cup.
Lot No: 84
Lot: 84
PORCELAIN SNUFF BOX-French Porcelaine De Paris stamped zenne snuff box with gold gilt decoration on porcelain. Size: 2x6x4 cm.
Lot No: 85
Lot: 85
SILVER DOUBLE SHOE-Ottoman, collectible double horseshoe covered with repousse workmanship silver plates (an example of which is in the Ibrahim Pasha Palace) and whose belt part is decorated with filigree silver and semi-precious stones.
Lot No: 86
Lot: 86
ESER-İ İSTANBUL CALLIGRATOR BOX-Ottoman, Eser-i Istanbul mother-of-pearl tortoiseshell calligrapher box in good condition Size: 8.5x30x24 cm.
Lot No: 87
Lot: 87
CALLIGRATOR'S TABLE-Ottoman, 19th century. Extremely rare calligrapher's table in different forms and sizes, made of walnut wood, with a carved top table and crescent and star decoration, with a deep and large single drawer on the front. Dimensions: 73x40x63 cm.
Lot No: 88
Lot: 88
MIRRORED CHEST COVER-Ottoman, mirrored chest cover decorated with madder wood and herbal and fruit motifs Size: 56x100 cm.
Lot No: 89
Lot: 89
OTTOMAN CHEST COVER-Ottoman, chest cover decorated with madder paint on wood, fruit basket and flowers in a vase. Size: 49x90 cm.
Lot No: 90
Lot: 90
OTTOMAN SAILOR PASHA CHEST-Ottoman, 19th century. Large-sized sailor pasha chest, with a wooden lid depicting a paddle wheel ship and a body made of cedar wood with nailed nails on the lid. Size: 64x102x60 cm.
Lot No: 91
Lot: 91
OTTOMAN DOWER CHEST-Ottoman, 19th century. Dowry chest made of cedar wood, with a madder lid, flowers in a vase and the Seal of Solomon depicted Size: 46x48x90 cm.
Lot No: 92
Lot: 92
EUROPEAN PAİNTİNG-European painting, oil on canvas, depicting an obelisk and a town square Size: 60x90 cm. Framed Size: 88x118 cm.
Lot No: 93
Lot: 93
ORYANTAL TABLO-Tuval üzeri yağlıboya, Medine temalı oryantalist tablo Ebat: 80x100 cm.
Lot No: 94
Lot: 94
UFUK DEMİR-Tuval üzeri yağlıboya, imzalı, 2017 tarihli tablo Ebat: 47x57 cm. Çerçeveli Ebat: 82x72 cm.
Lot No: 95
Lot: 95
ORIENTAL PAINTING-Oil on canvas, 19th century. signed, orientalist marketplace painting Size: 38x55 cm.
Lot No: 96
Lot: 96
OTTOMAN DOUBLE SHELF-Ottoman period, 19th century. Double shelves with madder work. Dimensions: 20x21x92 cm.
Lot No: 97
Lot: 97
OTTOMAN CAFTAN LOT-Ottoman period, 19th century. A robe made of two sable furs used by courtiers.
Lot No: 98
Lot: 98
SURRA REGIMENT CHEST-Ottoman, made of leather, used in surrah processions, into which the valuable items taken to the holy lands were placed, with the inscription "Üstad-ı yeğane-i Ayınteb-i Kanberzadeoğlu Dimekli Sheikh - Numero: 196 - Teşrin-i evvel 1317" written on it, extremely rare and collectible. Chest Size: 55x78x44 cm.
Lot No: 99
Lot: 99
PANTI PORCELAIN PLATE LOT-Four porcelain plates signed by Panti artist. Size: 20.5 cm.
Lot No: 100
Lot: 100
SULTAN MINIATURES LOT-Three collectible sultan miniatures with 24 carat gold battlements, signed by the artist Size: 13x16.5 cm.